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PhoenixHero's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of PhoenixHero's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

? He submitted a factual, logical viewpoint. All of the things he said were true. He did not insult anyone, he was not disrespectful, he simply voiced his opinion. Yep. That totally means he is an "Evil bastard" Brilliant.

1 point

I have had all of those. They are nasty. Also, they are not as healthy.

1 point

Would you rather he ate it raw?! How can you possibly feel sick about something that is literally ingrained in nature?

1 point

We are naturally omnivores, not herbivores. Look at your teeth sometime. See those pointy ones? Those are meant for tearing MEAT.

1 point

Your kidding me right? That is the dumbest argument I have heard all year(though maybe I should just read more of your posts). If you are so worried about pain, spare me the pain of reading something that stupid.

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