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This personal waterfall shows you all of PrayerFails's arguments, looking across every debate.

Of course, animals communicate, but only on primitive levels such as mating, hunting or directional. As for emotions, whether animals have emotions is debatable because for certain chemical responses to be called feelings, that the being in question needs to have a conscious awareness of their state. With this definition, it becomes much harder to say whether animals experience feelings in the same conscious manner even though the neurochemical signatures are similar.

Of course, humans are animals, it is not that we're so much better than they are, we stepped up the food chain with our brains; otherwise before, humans were on the bottom.

Correct, animals have no sentient.

Lions don't kill because it is fun, it is instinct into survival.

Animals like cows and pigs are communities given the state of their existence. This is no different than lions and zebras.

Referring to animals as others is really the delusional state that you really possess.

Why would factory farm zebras bore them to death? They would have more time to go travel and enjoy life.

First, if lions could factory farm zebras, they would, but since they are a primitive animal, they only survive on present consumption.

Second, we have options only because animals are factory farmed, if not, millions would starve if not billions. Then, humans would be forced into a primitive and agrarian economy, and this whole computer thing wouldn't exist because productivity would plummet due to no food supplies.

Third, the consumption of meat is the reason why man has evolved into what he is now with our brains, in which we created tools, before our brains developed, humans were strictly gathers.

If eating cow or pig is murder, then is a cat eating a mouse murder or is a lion eating a zebra murder? No, it is the survival of the fittest, so with our brains and tools, humans sit uptop of the food chain.

If only cannialism; otherwise, meat is food. Simple as that.

Well, considering, humans are atop of the food chain, meat is hardly murder. It is food. Plants are alive just as much as animals. Is that murder?


OHH, the study of economics, the scarcity of resources.-------

Yes, Einstein was religious despite his monumental discoveries in physics that being the Theory of Special Relativity and Theory of General Relativity. He tossed back and forth between what his believes were and what he was the research that he achieved.

READ: THE WORLD AS I SEE IT by Albert Einstein.

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