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Sounds like you finally clamed the fuck down ;)

Calm down and Chive on ;)

Yeah..., I generally agree...., but then I crave a beer and...., well...., you know ;)

Yes, this is true because it takes 2 to Tango. ;)

If God had violated the rules of nature, then everything would be magical. But just because there is no magic, does not mean that there is no God.

There is a place for all of God's little creatures. Right next to the mash potatoes and gravy. Animals. It's what's for dinner. ;)

It really doesn't matter what we do. If resources get scarce, we will be forced to act. If we manage to find the resources to maintain a larger population, nature will be forced to act (an epidemic or something). Either way, when we get to the point where something has to give..., something will give.

I guess there are a few of you out there that wouldn't want me to live for ever and feel that down voting is help you achieve this goal ;)

I would chose this option in a heart beat. I would spend my time learning different things like how to play an instrument.... after learning everything there is to learn about computers. ;)

Where did I say bullets anywhere? Boy, you must be feeling a little dumb right about now ;)

OK, I confess, I changed it ;)

You need factories to produce aircraft carriers, tanks, fighter planes, etc. Durable goods have real value.

When I think of services I think of the people that clean my pool, mow my lawn, wait on me in restaurants. I don't want to serve the world! Let the world serve us. And if they wont, well then, that's why we have aircraft carriers, tanks, fighter planes, etc. ;)

OK, the question is, what constitues that thing you call "you."

is it your brain/memories

is it the atoms that make up your body

is it your physical body

Yeah lets do it. Maybe we'll learn a valuable lesson like humility as we play God and .... screw up we will.

I like your argument, one up vote. One question though, is the child the same as the man? I mean, what constitutes the individual? His thoughts, the atoms that make him up or the continuity of the body. If the thoughts, then the child and the man should be the same because the child can adquire the thoughts of the man. If the atoms, then they will never cease to exist but they may separate and become something else. If the body, then that rots in the ground.

Assisted Suicide is my retirement plan.

Right now you can go to Oregons and get "the pill" that will do you in. I would just go there, get the pill and be done with it.

I've always felt that I'm not of this world; that I don't fit in. Maybe if there were less people on this planet.... but since I can't control (take out) everyone else, all I can do is control (take out) myself.

No one asked to be born. They were brought to this world kicking and screaming. Some will leave the same way they came in but some want to leave with dignity.

Why should anyone care that someone wants to get off the ride? It's not like they have to stop the planet so that they get off. Maybe it's the fact that misery loves company.

I don't know how to be philosophical but those are my two cents.

If truth is not subjective then why do so many people (with opposing views) claim that truth is on their side?

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