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Souloflight's Waterfall RSS

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I think there is because we cant just not be in the world anymore. Maybe we come back as spirits, roam new worlds, start again as someone else with out knowing it.

What is interesting about science is that people have confined themselves to studying because of religion. The contradiction of the two is what makes them both special. Science is interesting because Religion sometimes backs it up and sometimes wrongs it. The two are a great combination, they go together.

2 points

I would take it. Humans are never happy, they always want more and knowing that the end of their life is going to come is in a way preventing them from going out and getting what they want. Mistakes will still be made but we will be able to teach others more since we would have lived for years, seen so much. l

I think emotions tell us what someone really feels thus they are what should lead your life. At the end you will get what you want/do to.Your life would also be exciting. If you support reason than your life may be too straight forward. You should be spontaneous at times. reason would just get you confused if you do not want it to be there or you do not like it.

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