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1 point

I agree that abortion is wrong, and I agree that for the most part it shouldn't be allowed. But you're over-simplifying the issue. Unwanted pregnancies are not always due to stupidity(some people are raped), and not all abortions are out of selfishness. Read Iamdavid's post, if you haven't already. This is an extremely rare case, of course, but it is important to acknowledge and consider these kinds of things when deciding on this issue.

2 points

I agree in the cases of severe health dangers to the child and/or mother, abortion can be the best option. But as far as the rape situation, I've gone back and forth a bit thinking about it...and I just don't think that it can justify taking a human life, As horrid as that situation is.

The fact that women will get illegal abortions is really not a sufficient reason to make it legal, unless there is proof that just as many abortions will occur either way. Abortion, in my opinion, is taking a human life. Should we really make that legal?

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