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Spoonerism's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Spoonerism's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

At which point does killing become murder? You can obviously take the lives of fungi, bacteria, and plants without causing an uproar. For animals it's a bit trickier. Insects are ok to kill because they're a nuisance. But other animals aren't?


I don't have any problem with using animals for food. My problem lies in the fact that they aren't respected prior to the time we kill and eat them. I'd much prefer it if animals were given a lot of roaming space, were killed humanely, etc. I want an animal used for meat to be given the most natural life we can possibly give within a farm setting.

1 point

I'd love to see what the future holds for society. So, for this reason alone, I'd take the option. And I'd get to travel the world, learn everything about everything, and be an invincible superhero, because nothing could kill me.

Sounds perdy sweet.

1 point

Have you never killed a spider? Cockroach? Mosquito? If so, was it for a selfish human need?

I don't know that there's anything wrong with killing other animals for our own needs, though it is wrong to kill for sport. The way an animal is killed and the freedom it was given in life is what matters.

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