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This personal waterfall shows you all of Aveskde's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Your debate is merely a tautology disguised through synonym.

You may as well have stated "Effectiveness consists merely of that which is capable."

1 point

It was dark, like the night sky, all I could see were pinpoints of light much like stars, I knew who I was and where I had come from and who I had left behind. I was not hot or cold, hungry or scared, lonely or longing, I had no emotions in the human context nor was I sad. I felt as though I was being held in a bubble or cupped in unseen hands, I had no emotions so feeling safe was not relative. I could see, I remembered myself, and in this state I remember holding out my arms to look at my hands as if to see myself, I felt myself doing this but there was nothing there for me to see, I was not inside my body, yet I knew that I was alive and I knew I was a spirit and no longer a physical being. I understood the concepts of being outside the body and being a spirit as if I had always known it, there is no fear here, and just to let you know the spirit can see, and the spirit remembers who he is, and the soul hungers not.

Your brain was in an altered state, you were not dead but functioning with your brain in incomplete consciousness.

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