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2 points

I agree even though I clicked "dispute" because I still stand by my argument, but I do realize the points you are making. I know it would be near impossible to create a policy when it comes to allowing births, and this would be the biggest debate since abortion and the death penalty. But in an unrealistic, Utopian sort of world, I think this would be the best thing out there for us.

1 point

Perhaps we need to look at ourselves right now. I say we need to get a system lined up that makes it difficult to have a child. Simple as that. It seems barbaric, but if you actually want a child, you most likely should get an education, a job, and a good head on your shoulders. If we have to be pre-screened before we can buy dogs from Petland, I don't think any Joe Blow out there has the rights to have a child, bring it into the world and not care for it properly.

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