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JayAr's Reward Points: 182

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Should Women Serve In The Military?
3 Added Argument American Crimes against Humanity!
1 Added Argument American Crimes against Humanity!
0 Added Argument is this place cool
5 Created Debate American Crimes against Humanity!
2 Added Argument Why would God create the need to eat.
3 Added Argument The U.S should Adopt the Metric System
6 Added Argument The U.S should Adopt the Metric System
0 Added Argument Britain has been the greatest country so far.
1 Added Argument Is the Democratic Party really the Communist Party of USA?
1 Added Argument Is it feasible for all humans to live life the "Western" way?
2 Added Argument Is it arrogant to assume that homo sapiens are the "pinnacle" of evolution?
1 Added Argument When can I say 'INDIA is leading the World'?...
1 Added Argument we should impose democracy on countries
1 Added Argument What is better, Anarchy or Socialism?
2 Added Argument What puts us at the greatest risk of losing our rights/Liberties ?
1 Added Argument IS the USA the greatest country.
2 Created Debate Should Ad Hominem attacks be Illegal in Political Advertisements?
1 Added Argument the history curriculum
1 Added Argument Children being gay before the age of 18.
-1 Downvoted Argument Should gays have the right to marry?
1 Added Argument When will we not worry about terrorism?
1 Added Argument Free-Market Police: Better or Worse?
1 Added Argument Is the Catholic Church how Jesus wanted it to be?
1 Added Argument should mccain won in 2008
-1 Downvoted Argument Our Earth- Round or Flat???
-1 Downvoted Argument Our Earth- Round or Flat???
-1 Downvoted Argument Outsourcing of US jobs to foreign countries: Bad or Good?
-1 Downvoted Argument Outsourcing of US jobs to foreign countries: Bad or Good?
2 Added Argument What would make you join an armed revolt?
5 Created Debate What would make you join an armed revolt?
1 Added Argument Should scientific data collected unethically be used?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should scientific data collected unethically be used?
1 Added Argument Are these NAZI's?
-1 Downvoted Argument Obama and socialism
2 Added Argument should we get rid of money
2 Added Argument Impact of Media on Society
1 Added Argument real books vs e-books
1 Added Argument real books vs e-books
1 Added Argument Should children be allowed the vote?
2 Added Argument Should children be allowed the vote?
1 Added Argument people use the word "literally" incorrectly too much
8 Added Argument WTF, they're building a mosque at the site of 9/11
1 Added Argument Multi-step plan designed to get rid of illegals forever
-1 Downvoted Argument Obama
1 Added Argument Prayer Success Stories
1 Added Argument Religious debates are useless
1 Added Argument the idea of a "one world government" is stupid
1 Added Argument Multi-step plan designed to get rid of illegals forever
1 Added Argument Everyone is evil and I have proof
1 Added Argument Why did you choose the name and picture you use for this site?
1 Added Argument Thoughts of a Dying Atheist ..?
2 Added Argument The Tea Party
1 Added Argument Modern music is contributing to the downfall of society.
1 Added Argument There are 10 types of people here. Those that understand binary and those that don't
2 Added Argument What is freedom?
5 Created Debate What is freedom?
-1 Downvoted Argument Why Hillary Clinton did not invite Barack Obama to her daughter's marriage?
0 Added Argument Why is it whites don't want to Bless black people like they do the Jews?
1 Added Argument Many atheists are intolerant.
0 Downvoted Argument The Historical......Bitch slap!
1 Added Argument Is Predestination a Scary Thought?
1 Added Argument Should gays and lesbians be allowed to marry?
4 Created Debate Is causing oneself pain more effective than prayer?
-1 Downvoted Argument Will North Korea start a war?
1 Added Argument How many languages do you speak and which is your favourite?
1 Added Argument What Would You Do If... #11
1 Added Argument I am getting deployed in a few days
1 Added Argument if the world had to speak one language which would it be?
1 Added Argument Should Parents Be Allowed To Select The Gender Of Their Children?
2 Added Argument The technology of the future.
1 Added Argument Is the government hiding something in Area 51?
-1 Downvoted Argument What is the birther movement of accusing the President as a non legal citizen?
1 Added Argument Is the government hiding something in Area 51?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is the government hiding something in Area 51?
-1 Downvoted Argument The reason liberals lack logic...
-1 Downvoted Argument The reason liberals lack logic...
-1 Downvoted Argument Will we ever find Osama Bin Laden?
-1 Downvoted Argument Will we ever find Osama Bin Laden?
1 Added Argument Will we ever find Osama Bin Laden?
1 Added Argument Why do authorities act as though only teens can contract STDs?
-1 Downvoted Argument Isn't Pluralism A Much More Reasonable View Than Either Pro-Life Or Pro-Choice?
1 Added Argument Does unforgivable Sin exist?
5 Added Argument What Would You Do If Aliens Came The This Planet?
0 Added Argument Should we bring back confunction junction?
3 Added Argument Is an additional tax on indoor tanning services justifiable?
1 Added Argument Government-supplied ultimate recreational drug - would this be a good thing?
1 Added Argument Media Lit Class: Should the US have Dropped the Atomic Bomb
1 Added Argument Alternatives to Capital Punishment (The Death Penalty)
1 Added Argument Can we put a price on human life
1 Added Argument If you could go to college anywhere for free where would you go?
4 Added Argument Why Christianity is self-contradicting.
-1 Downvoted Argument Is nationalism a good thing?
2 Added Argument Cindy3: Mass Down Voter
1 Added Argument Does science provide a purpose for life?
2 Added Argument India has the potential to lead the world

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