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KNHav's Reward Points: 1957

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Is it ever right to kill a child ?
1 Added Argument Why would you believe anything on faith?
1 Added Argument Europe needs more Sharia courts to be fair to minority groups
5 Added Argument Moon Landings Truth or Lies
5 Created Debate Moon Landings Truth or Lies
1 Added Argument Was the moon landing a hoax?
1 Added Argument We should not allow free speech in our countries
-1 Downvoted Argument Flat Lands under the Dome
5 Added Argument Flat Lands under the Dome
1 Added Argument Merry Christmas in advance! :)
2 Added Argument What are your views on Christmas?
10 Added Argument Flat Lands under the Dome
5 Created Debate Flat Lands under the Dome
2 Added Argument flat Earth
1 Added Argument Earth-Flat or Round
2 Added Argument Would you be atheist if your religion didn't exist considering your life experie
6 Added Argument Obama opened with Laden's death, can Donald trump that?
1 Added Argument All the religions pushing there religions here
1 Added Argument Please take a quiz on alignment and post result.
2 Added Argument Obama Regime announces retaliation against Russia for "Harassment and Interference"
1 Added Argument People on this site are getting less and less active....
3 Added Argument Mother touts Transgender 3 year old Son to Media
2 Added Argument The world's leaders should just stage the end of the world so we can move forward.
1 Added Argument The world's leaders should just stage the end of the world so we can move forward.
1 Added Argument ISIS claims responsibility for horrific Berlin attack
3 Added Argument Does it make sense to say "I'm spiritual, not religious"?
2 Added Argument Islam is the world's 2nd largest Religion
3 Added Argument Does it make sense to say "I'm spiritual, not religious"?
2 Added Argument The Left demonizes Christians while saying nothing against an Islamic religion killing us.
2 Added Argument Is this the best answer to Christian idiots?
4 Added Argument Is this the best answer to Christian idiots?
6 Added Argument Did Jesus do anything extraordinary?
5 Added Argument Should everyone have a religion?
2 Added Argument Devil Monkey's VS Christians
6 Added Argument If God paid the price for our sins, then whom did he pay it to?
10 Added Argument If God paid the price for our sins, then whom did he pay it to?
1 Added Argument Posting more than one response to a banned person is evidence of maliciousness
1 Added Argument are you an Atheist/Agnostic or are you Religious?
1 Added Argument What is your description of an atheist?
10 Added Argument This is a must watch. Especially if you think you might be an atheist.
5 Created Debate This is a must watch. Especially if you think you might be an atheist.
1 Added Argument Society should shame irresponsibility for the good of all, rather than being so insecure.
1 Added Argument In defence of family, should homework be exceptional?
1 Added Argument Old people are evil!
2 Added Argument On Darwinism and Factual Justification
1 Added Argument Why did the Hillary Clinton Lose the Election?
-1 Downvoted Argument What if current events are Bible prophesies in process of end times fulfilments?
-1 Downvoted Argument What if current events are Bible prophesies in process of end times fulfilments?

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