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Wigger_king_'s Reward Points: 55

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Is gay marriage wrong?
1 Added Argument 3rd Pres debate - Who won and did odds significantly change?
1 Added Argument Trump is the better candidate in this election.
2 Added Argument how are you today
0 Created Debate W_K_hitler
1 Added Argument Our media withheld Trump's locker room talk in primaries to make sure Hillary wins!
1 Added Argument Is the Flying Spaghetti Monster, as beliveable as God?
1 Added Argument Tuesday is the best day of the week
1 Added Argument Can people who are noble in some aspect but immoral in others still be considered heroes?
1 Added Argument Houthi Rebels Attack US Battleships?
3 Added Argument The easily offended are the Democrats
2 Added Argument What does support for Trump mean for the future of the religious right politically?

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