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sylynn's Reward Points: 626

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Atheism is a heart problem, not an intellectual problem
2 Added Argument I could not care less about pts. but if you add the two front runners, they surpass all!
0 Downvoted Argument Brontoraptor is actually just obeying the site's rules
-1 Downvoted Argument I could not care less about pts. but if you add the two front runners, they surpass all!
-1 Downvoted Argument I could not care less about pts. but if you add the two front runners, they surpass all!
-1 Downvoted Argument I could not care less about pts. but if you add the two front runners, they surpass all!
1 Added Argument NowaSaint: Troll or mentalcase?
1 Added Argument What do you say when an Atheist sneezes?
-1 Downvoted Argument Atheists believe in walking whales and that whales evolved from hooved hyenas?
-1 Downvoted Argument Atheists believe in walking whales and that whales evolved from hooved hyenas?
-1 Downvoted Argument Atheists can't say how male and female evolved at same exact time to reproduce
-1 Downvoted Argument Creatures trapped in amber refutes Darwinism. proves God
7 Added Argument Atheists can't say how male and female evolved at same exact time to reproduce
9 Added Argument Atheism of the gaps is a logical fallacy
5 Added Argument Christians are most persecuted group in the world... again...
7 Added Argument If Darwinism was true, the fossil record would show millions of intermediaries
6 Added Argument Creatures trapped in amber refutes Darwinism. proves God
3 Added Argument The fermi paradox per the Drake Equation is proof of God
-1 Downvoted Argument Having faith is actually smart...
1 Added Argument Are you tired of people point farming?
1 Added Argument Are you tired of people point farming?
-1 Downvoted Argument Having faith is actually smart...
-1 Downvoted Argument Having faith is actually smart...
-1 Downvoted Argument Having faith is actually smart...
-1 Downvoted Argument Having faith is actually smart...
-1 Downvoted Argument Having faith is actually smart...
0 Downvoted Argument It's hard to prove you own a car on CD just as it is to prove God's existence.
10 Added Argument Having faith is actually smart...
-1 Downvoted Argument Miraculous?
1 Added Argument Freedom of lack of religion isn't protected by the Constitution technically..
2 Added Argument Miraculous?
5 Added Argument When driving down public streets, do Christmas lights establish religion? Liberals say yes
1 Added Argument 11 o'clock curfew
2 Added Argument Contraception doesn't cause abortion. DUH!
4 Added Argument Contraception doesn't cause abortion. DUH!
1 Added Argument Women prefer Conservative men
3 Added Argument New Islamic Decree: Lust for daughter not a sin? What?
6 Added Argument Gay man says homosexuality a mental disorder? Is he right or wrong?
10 Added Argument Democrat Tina Podlodowski wants to register "New Voters at Birth"
2 Added Argument Pedophiles say they are born that way and have no choice of who they are. Hmmmmmmm...
2 Added Argument Obama officially declared most destructive leader since World War II.
6 Added Argument Cartman is a Liberal. Cartman vs Brontoraptor
4 Added Argument Christians and Republicans according to Brontoraptor, Outlaw60 & FromWithin/NowASaint
1 Added Argument Atheists have become the new religious zealots
-1 Downvoted Argument
8 Added Argument Islam is the worship of Satan, the devil
1 Added Argument Liberalism: Islamic prayer good, Christian prayer bad
3 Added Argument Is marriage between a man and a woman?

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