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1 point

Im getting bored of arguing with people who take quotes from smart people out of context to ratify their dumb superstitions and never read the whole fucking thing. It is the same kind of people who only read the headlines off news and get outraged by them still. But what is there to do

2 points

I think your definition of "natural" is a bit vague. A meteorite is a part of nature, therefore natural. Other planets are natural. The word "natural" is not exclusive to earth and what it contains. For that matter: an atom bomb is as natural as a spiderweb; otherwise it wouldn't work

2 points

I wasn't arguing that we should generalize the names of all specific fruits : )

fruit names are specific for a reason - "natural" on the other hand is always a very general word and it seems to me that "preternatural" is a word spiritual people or people who believe in teleology make up to shoehorn into our sense of reality an idea of the supernatural when no one takes "supernatural" seriously anymore as a descriptive word for reality. In other words: since people who use the word supernatural in any other situations than describing a fantasy novel or something fictional are branded as a bit naive, they make a new word to make their idea (in this case of humans as somehow distinctly outside of nature) more acceptable. This was done when "creation" was laughed out of court, then they came back with the bullshit term "intelligent design"

It is very true that humans are the most complex lifeforms known (by humans I might add) on earth - That does not mean though that there is more of a distinct line between humans and monkeys than cats and lions for example.

1 point

well if natural and preternatural doesnt have a bigger distinction than the difference between apples and oranges then I dont see the use for a whole new word. I think language is natural. Language is found in other species than just humans - and language is the vessel that carries reasoning

0 points

English isn't my native-language so i had to look up Preternatural. From what I can see Preternatural is basically a euphemism for supernatural so I would say no. Our reasoning faculties don't make us somehow above or beyond nature just because it hasn't been explained or replicated with AI. Throughout history people have tried to make it so that humans are somehow special and used as their argument all sorts of bullshit claims. It is not that long ago that it was held that only humans dreamed for example.

I don't think us being the pinnacle of evolution in terms of freedom of movement/thought/choice is a good enough argument to call us preternatural/supernatural. If that would be so then by definition the species that had the most evolved reasoning faculties of any given time would be preternatural/supernatural, that is; before humans evolved the dinosaur with the biggest brain would be preternatural/supernatural

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